La causa sembra essere stata un massiccio riavvio e conseguente tentativo di connessione da parte di computer dotati di sistema operativo Windows. Il numero incredibile di connessioni contemporanee ha fatto andare in tilt il servizio.
Non so; non riesco a tollerare il fatto di dover addebitare ad un altro servizio la propria mancanza.
Quando lavoravo in un Agenzia di Pubblicità , non mi sarei mai sognato di giustificare il ritardo su una consegna di un depliant col fatto che la carta al tipografo fosse arrivata in ritardo!
Di seguito uno stralcio dal sito Heartbeat di Skype:
On Thursday, 16th August 2007, the Skype peer-to-peer network became unstable and suffered a critical disruption. The disruption was triggered by a massive restart of our users’ computers across the globe within a very short timeframe as they re-booted after receiving a routine set of patches through Windows Update.
The high number of restarts affected Skype’s network resources. This caused a flood of log-in requests, which, combined with the lack of peer-to-peer network resources, prompted a chain reaction that had a critical impact.
On Thursday, 16th August 2007, the Skype peer-to-peer network became unstable and suffered a critical disruption. The disruption was triggered by a massive restart of our users’ computers across the globe within a very short timeframe as they re-booted after receiving a routine set of patches through Windows Update.
The high number of restarts affected Skype’s network resources. This caused a flood of log-in requests, which, combined with the lack of peer-to-peer network resources, prompted a chain reaction that had a critical impact.
Tag Technorati: Skype